I’m all for fact-checking, but it isn’t practical or possible to fact-check everything everyone says or writes, particularly on such a large scale as social media.
Unfortunately, many people believe what they want to believe without checking it out. Letters to the editor of this newspaper do not always seem to be fact-checked. Cable news is not fact-checked. Why should we require all social media posts be fact-checked?
The only statements that should be checked are those considered defamatory. However, I suggest all statements made by public officials be fact-checked. We pay these people to govern honestly — including what they say.
Carl Schneider, Delray Beach
Don’t weaponize agencies
Well, Democrats finally got what they wanted: Donald Trump is a convicted felon.
And the American people said: “So what?”
For four years, the Democrats and liberal media tried everything they could to stop Trump. Two impeachments, five trials, special investigators, a raid on Mar-a-Lago, and then a trial with no crime and no victim.
Trump was rewarded with the presidency, both houses of Congress and a mandate to correct government abuse. For four years, Trump will be cleaning house at the DOJ, FBI, CIA and multiple agencies. The American people do not want the judicial system weaponized against a political opponent. It didn’t work.
Gene Simmons, Fort Lauderdale
Is this the best we can do?
Please explain to naïve me this hero worshipping of Donald Trump. It seems to me, the older we become the more gullible we become. Why is he our national leader?
If this is the best example we can present, there goes our standing among world leaders. Or hopefully, we will be pleasantly surprised by what (or who) could be an outstanding leader. I am ever the optimist.
Audrey Frieman, Pembroke Pines
Another view of Trump
In a recent letter to the editor (“Let Trump govern, finally”), Deb Tarrant said Trump made “the rookie mistake of keeping too many bureaucrats.”
It was Trump himself who told supporters and detractors that he would hire “only the best people.” Those who witnessed it warned us of his unfitness for office, which his supporters failed to heed. She claims Trump was “undermined” while ignoring that many of his efforts were blatantly unconstitutional, illegal or just plain dumb. Trump has always put himself first.
Tarrant wrote of the “weaponization” of our justice system while ignoring many efforts and to prosecute political opponents, the free press and military personnel who dared to disagree with him or brought his unseen actions to light. Let’s remember, Trump was convicted of crimes and found liable for sexual abuse. Trump has clearly .
Trump is a convicted felon, and while being named Time’s Person of the Year is notable, it does not necessarily convey that the person so named is honorable Stalin, Andropov and Putin as their picks in the past.)
Lastly, it’s suggested that Trump start “cleaning the swamp.” A reminder: At least 10 members of Trump’s businesses and/or his previous administration were convicted or pleaded guilty to crimes. Not to mention his own convictions and findings of liability. Meanwhile, the alleged crimes of the “most corrupt” administration (against Biden by Trump and surrogates) have produced nothing.
Scot McCluskey, Davie
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